Spicy Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites

Just in time for the Super Bowl game tomorrow, I have perfected my Kung Pao Cauliflower recipe! You could make this a full meal by serving with some cooked rice or just pile a plate full of these tasty bites and serve as a healthy, delicious and VEGAN appetizer😋. I had both regular cauliflower and … More Spicy Kung Pao Cauliflower Bites

“RECIPES” for SELF-CARE: Oil Pulling & Dry Brushing

Just returned from two weeks in North Carolina visiting my daughter and between the jet lag, weather differences and immediate return to work my body rebelled! The day after I got home I woke up to a mouthful of sores and intense pain that made it hard to eat, talk or drink anything! Ewwww! The … More “RECIPES” for SELF-CARE: Oil Pulling & Dry Brushing